Two female suspects accused of assaulting a man at a light rail station in February have been identified, according to a Wednesday Lakewood Police Department update on X.
One of the suspects, an 18-year-old Denver woman, is expected to turn herself in, police say.
The attack happened at 9:17 p.m. on Feb. 13 at the Lakewood-Wadsworth RTD station at 1298 Wadsworth Blvd.
According to police, the suspects, the 18-year-old woman and a 15-year-old girl, asked the victim if he had any cigarettes. When the man said no, one of the suspects began yelling at and punching him while holding him down by his hair, Lakewood officials said. The second female stood by and yelled racial slurs at the victim, according to the Lakewood police. Police did not know whether the 18-year-old or the 15-year-old beat the man, and they do not yet know where the 15-year-old is from.
The Lakewood Police Department says the assault lasted five to six minutes, caused serious injuries to the victim’s face and broke some of his personal items.
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