Top 5 This Week

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Letters: World Central Kitchen aid workers are the latest innocents killed by Netanyahu’s far-right government

“Aiding and abetting Netanyahu”

When will the Biden administration reverse its policy of providing deadly weapons to Israel? Aid workers from the World Central Kitchen are the latest innocents killed due to the insane policy of death and destruction formulated by Israel’s prime minister and his extreme right-wing government. The United States, by providing Israel with a never-ending supply of weapons, is aiding and abetting Benjamin Netanyahu and providing a stumbling block to implementing a two-state solution for the region.

While no one believes the attack by Hamas on Israel should have gone unpunished, how many innocent women, children, and citizens of Gaza, with no connection or love of Hamas have to starve, suffer, die, and watch as their cities are destroyed?

We rightly criticize and sanction Russia’s Vladimir Putin for his cruel and unseemly aggression in the Ukraine but enable Israel to continue unchecked and supported. As an 80-year-old Jewish woman who supported Israel for many years, I am ashamed of our support and disappointed that weapon sales continue. Where is our moral standing in this?  It is time to stand up to Israel and its dysfunctional government. While the Jewish vote may be vital to Biden’s reelection, our moral integrity is in extreme jeopardy.

Barbara Morton, Highlands Ranch

Proud of athletes representing Colorado in March Madness

Congratulations to the University of Colorado women, men, and Colorado State men and their coaches, staff, and all those others who made it possible for those athletes to represent the state at the NCAA basketball tournaments. All Coloradans should be proud of these teams that devoted so much time and effort to compete with some of the best teams in the nation. Very well done; you will all be remembered. Thank you.

Michael Hult, Arvada

Companies need to be held responsible in data breaches

Re: “65.4 million former account holders,” April 1 news story

AT&T has now had another data breach losing Social Security numbers and passcodes for 7.6 million current account holders and 65.4 million former account holders. Isn’t there any way Congress can punish these big companies that constantly lose their data? Several banks have lost theirs also. It seems that my information is not safe with any large company.

Leroy M. Martinez, Denver

Time to practice what they preach

Re: “Trump camp, White House clash over ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’,” April 1 news story

Christian Republicans, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, and Donald Trump’s campaign have criticized President Joe Biden for recognizing the annual “Transgender Day of Visibility” on March 31. They are so sanctimonious in this attack, as they supposedly see themselves as true followers of Jesus Christ, who opened his arms to every person and their individual humanity. Yet, these same “Christians” will not come out loudly to denounce the disgusting and violent depiction of a hog-tied President Biden, after this image was posted by the ex-president on his Truth Social account.

Hypocritical is far too soft a word for all Republicans who accept the ugliness and lies that lead to the degrading of any person they may not like, while accepting the violent rhetoric of the former president. Can these Christians really look in the mirror and answer the question affirmatively: “Am I the Christian my faith wants me to be?”

Jane Sanford, Englewood

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