Top 5 This Week

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Letters: Polarizing takes on America’s disappointing World Cup loss

U.S. out of the FIFA World Cup

So the ladies lost their match. Congratulations on a game well played but fell short of a victory.  At least they exhibited true sportsmanship by accepting their defeat and congratulating their opponents. Hopefully, they won’t spend the next four years saying that Sweden cheated, that they really won the match, and trying to get World Cup referees to say that USA won the match.

Candy London, Denver

They were too arrogant to sing the National Anthem, but at least they can now sing the blues.

John Shupe, Centennial

Principal punished for safety efforts

Re: “Fired principal defends room,” Aug. 9 news story

I can’t believe that principals are fired or put on leave for the use of a seclusion room in a Denver Public School. These principals are already stressed out, having to deal with sometimes very unruly or even dangerous students that disrupt other students’ learning. Firing or putting a principal on leave is extreme. And this was triggered by an anonymous call? Taking such extreme measures should not be based on anonymous reports, and certainly not when principals are trying to make their schools safer for all. Give the principals a chance!

Bart Cox, Denver

A dangerous intersection of bad bike decisions

While I was driving back from an appointment recently, a speeding bicycle nearly crashed into me while slowly passing restaurants’ outdoor eating areas on 7th Avenue just east of Broadway. Fortunately, there was no collision. However, as a driver, I was completely freaked out!

Each week I have observed how the implementation of Denver’s bicycle plan has removed vehicle driving lanes, many from high-volume roadways such as South Broadway, and devoted them to bicycles in an effort to make the city more bike friendly – an admirable objective. However, this plan, coupled with lawmakers’ completely irresponsible decision to release cyclists from the requirement of following the “rules of the road” by ignoring stop signs, red lights, and the like, is now bringing vehicles and cyclists, as well as electric bicycles and scooters which typically travel at much higher velocities than manual bikes, in much closer proximity and increasing the likelihood of accidents, many potentially life-ending. For the bike plan to be successful and have long-term viability, all vehicles, motorized or otherwise, should be required to follow all traffic regulations!

Joe Crystal, Denver

Sin tax can’t fund preschool alone

Re: “Universal preschool: Colorado walks back full-time classes for 11,000 children with risk factors,” Aug. 4 news story

I am disappointed but not surprised to read that the universal preschool for 4-year-olds was not funded adequately enough. Voters approved this measure, in part, because the funding would come from tobacco taxes. Most Coloradans do not use tobacco. Most Coloradans do not finance this program, despite the worthiness of the program.

Colorado has a history of letting the few people with habits others may find distasteful pay for programs we all benefit from. Lottery funds, marijuana taxes, sports betting, and tobacco taxes all ostensibly fund programs that we all believe necessary. If we believe this or any program is worth doing, it should be something that we all support, not just by voting for them but also by helping to pay for them.

Tony Tochtrop, Lakewood

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