Top 5 This Week

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Letters: Hamas and Israel are at war. We must name their crimes.

Call war crimes by their name

The Denver Post has reported that both Hamas and Israel have declared that they are “at war” with each other. But The Post has not properly labeled the murder and kidnapping of civilians by Hamas as a war crime. Nor has The Post identified the “total blockade” of food and water to the civilian population of Gaza as collective punishment and a war crime. Is there a particular reason for this? Just curious.

Guy Wroble, Denver

Hamas crossed many lines this month, doing much more than attacking Israeli military forces. They murdered many civilians, kidnapped others, and threatened to execute their captives on live video streams. These actions are being condemned by virtually everyone. It makes me wonder how Hamas thinks that these atrocities will help their cause.

It is understandable that in this context, Israel is seeking revenge, but attacking Gaza infrastructure and bombing civilian structures will not hurt Hamas. After all, Hamas really doesn’t mind sacrificing Palestinian lives for their purposes. When Israel attacks civilians in Gaza, they are doing exactly what Hamas wants them to do. It is well known that in war, civilians pay a huge price, and this is no exception (on both sides). Israel must recognize the damage they are doing to Palestinian civilians and stop the attacks on Gaza infrastructure before thousands die from the lack of water and other resources.

James W. Craft, Broomfield

The true cost of living includes health insurance

The 2024 COLA  means that I will get a $52 a month increase. Unfortunately what Social Security gives Medicare takes away. Between the rise in Part B and Part D increases I will net approximately a $19.00 actual increase. In real terms, this means that I will be losing the ability to keep up with inflation.

Between double-digit rent increases, Medicare, and drug increases seniors are increasingly becoming in peril of losing health insurance and home.

It is time to start including health insurance increases in the COLA formula. Cities must recognize this crisis and begin to plan how to keep seniors in their homes.

Rochelle Padzensky, Denver

The Santos/Trump double standard

We are told that the GOP is moving to expel “fraudster” George Santos from the House — before he is tried and convicted of his alleged crimes. And at the same time we are told that the GOP is backing Donald Trump for speaker of the House and/or president — before he is tried and convicted of his alleged crimes. Sure does sound to me like a double standard.

Jim Bahrenburg, Wheat Ridge

Did anyone actually try that recipe?

Re: “These cinnamon rolls have an unexpected twist,” Oct. 11 feature story

Considering all the terrible news from around the world, I thought I would add a little levity for a change.

In the Life and Culture section on Page 4 (all of page 4 by the way), there is a recipe for cinnamon rolls that caught my eye.

It may be one of the longest recipes I have ever seen and I have a lot of cookbooks! I have several questions: I wonder how many people noticed it? How many read it completely? And more importantly, how many actually were brave enough to tackle it? (If so, I wonder if it was really worth the time.)

Christine Wardlow, Castle Rock

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