Top 5 This Week

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Letters: Helton deserves Hall of Fame. Voters deserve Hall of Shame.

Our very own Helton worthy of Hall enshrinement

Re: “The wait continues — Helton comes up just 11 votes short of Hall of Fame election,” Jan. 25 sports story

If the National Baseball Hall of Fame was worthy of its name, retired Colorado Rockies player Todd Helton would already be enshrined. As it is, the unworthy voters – none of whom could bat .100 in T-ball — torture a player of nobility and grace for another year. Perhaps they should build a Hall of Shame in Cooperstown filled with images of baseball writers/voters facing a blank wall in embarrassment?

Harry Puncec, Lakewood

Denver 311 to the rescue

We all hear and read about so many complaints about public services, I want to publicly commend Denver’s 311 number for exemplary service from beginning to end. I got through quickly, and the operator was personable, helpful, and knowledgeable. I reported a very deep and dangerous road patch that had collapsed, and, despite challenging weather, it was repaired within one day.

And I received emails every step of the way, letting me know the situation was being addressed. I bet this quick and thorough response prevented damage to vehicles and pedestrians and might have prevented an accident. As a resident and taxpayer, I’m grateful and proud of Denver’s services!

Larry Edelman, Denver

What is the real cost of a possible grocery stores merger?

While there are alternatives offering limited, niche options, Safeway and King Soopers are Colorado’s only large grocery stores in which shoppers can pay attention to compare pricing. The proposed Kroger and Albertsons/Safeway merger will eradicate this last small vestige of consumer power. The only benefit this monopoly will create is its corporate profit.

Robert Porath, Boulder

Can’t pin reckless driving on only the young

Re: “Proposal wants 30 hours of experience for teens,” Jan. 25 news story

Here is an idea. In order to reduce traffic accidents and deaths on our highways, how about we increase our traffic stops on those drivers going anywhere from 10 to 25 miles per hour over the speed limit? These drivers make it hard for someone driving the speed limit to pass someone driving slower in the right lane.

I have been passing someone only to have a driver roar up behind me and drive about one or two car lengths behind me. This behavior can’t be safe. And while driving the speed limit, I have been passed by big rigs. Imagine a vehicle weighing 80,000 pounds going 10 to 15 mph over the speed limit.

Just saying — maybe teens aren’t the biggest problem.

David Compton, Parachute

A permanent state of national mourning

Flags in the United States should be flown at half-staff permanently. No point in raising them for a short time before they must be lowered again to commemorate gun deaths. We can raise them after we reduce the ease with which an aggrieved person can obtain a gun and kill people, which should be easier than reducing the number of aggrieved people.

I’m not holding my breath.

David Wolf, Lakewood

Committee appointment bewildering

George Santos to serve on the House Science Committee? Well, that’s rich.

Lies and liars have no business anywhere near science (or parenting or teaching or anything pertaining to honorable living, governing, and human development).

Bruce Allen, Louisville

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