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Denver mayoral candidate Terrance Roberts sees campaign as evolution of anti-gang work and fight for racial justice

When crowds of thousands turned out repeatedly for 2020’s racial justice protests in Denver and Aurora, Terrance Roberts was often at the center, shouting into a bullhorn.

It was a role that came easy for Roberts, a one-time Blood who emerged from prison nearly two decades ago to become an anti-gang activist and community organizer in Park Hill. He’s seen the power of rallies and protests, he said, whether it’s in pushing for an end to gang warfare or calling for police reform in Colorado, something Roberts helped achieve at the state legislature.

But he says there’s unfinished business — and a need to change tactics now that 2020’s wave of protests has subsided.

“Now I’m running for office,” said Roberts, 46, who brings one of the most unusual resumes to the crowded Denver mayor’s race.

His background includes gang violence as a teenager and young man, which earned him several years in prison for felony crimes, including shooting up a car and robbery. He left gang life in prison and, upon release in 2004, found redemption — though his new path hit a violent setback a decade ago.

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Roberts sees running for office as a continuation of his community work.

“If there was one of these career politicians (in the race) who I thought would do what we needed to do,” he said, “I would get behind them.” Voters seeking change should vote for him “because I have clear answers for what our biggest issues are.”

He’s using his new platform on debate stages to push for a surge in public housing and less punitive homelessness policies. He argues Denver needs drastic changes to policing, including ending officers’ use of violent informants and diverting some police funding to other priorities.

Roberts also calls for election reform.

“No more three-term mayors — no one up here deserves to be mayor for 12 years,” he said during a mayoral debate at Regis University in early February, citing the rarity of incumbents losing. He wants to reduce the limit to two terms, or eight years.

Roberts knows his past may weigh on some voters’ minds.

That includes a moment that interrupted years of difficult and delicate work to steer youth away from gangs and defuse tensions between the Crips and Bloods. In 2013, at a peace rally he organized at Holly Square — which he’d helped rebuild after it was torched by gang members five years earlier — he shot a man who belonged to the Bloods five times, paralyzing him from the waist down.

Roberts claimed self-defense, saying he feared for his safety after Bloods had labeled him a snitch and threatened him. A jury acquitted him of attempted murder in 2015.

“I don’t worry about those questions because that’s just who I am and that’s my life,” Roberts said. “I’m not ashamed about who I am.”

After his acquittal, Roberts stepped back, though he says he’s since organized gatherings, when requested, to help ease gang tensions. He earned certification as a building inspector, work the Capitol Hill resident is doing part-time while campaigning.

The 2013 shooting, and Roberts, are at the center of the recent book and documentary “The Holly: Five Bullets, One Gun and the Struggle to Save an American Neighborhood,” by author-director Julian Rubinstein.

That attention, and the debates, are helping him break through, he says — along with his past work.

“Even though my name is not the biggest name” among the candidates, Roberts said, “there are people in the city of Denver who don’t know anything about those people, but who know my name.”

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