Even as bike theft continues to vex cyclists across the metro area, the city of Denver and the Downtown Denver Partnership are exploring options for building a secure bike parking facility a block from Union Station.
“We’re very committed to making it easier to choose different ways of getting around our downtown and throughout Denver,” said Ellen Forthofer, urban planning manager for the partnership. “Anything we can do to make that choice to bike easier for people is something we are very passionate about.”
Over the next few months, proposals for designing and building the facility will be solicited, Forthofer said. By next spring, they expect to be ready to move forward.
“We don’t have the exact specifics, as we haven’t gone out for a request for proposals yet,” Forthofer said. “We expect to soon. We expect to hear a lot of really creative proposals through that RFP process. But as of now, we’re anticipating that this facility could hold 50 to 75 bikes. We’re envisioning a transparent, visible room that has key card access so bikes can be indoors, secured.” Surveillance with security cameras also is likely.
When Union Station was being redeveloped a decade ago, consideration was given to including a large secure bike parking hub, Forthofer said.
“That included everything from amenities like showers and lockers to secure parking,” Forthofer said. “That was not included in the final outcome of the work at Union Station, but this effort is a continuation of those conversations.”
The facility will be built on what is currently an open plaza at 16th and Wewatta streets.