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Opinion: The real problem in Colorado’s public schools are the liberal unions not conservative idealogues

How to respond to teachers’ union president Aime Baca-Oehlert’s screed attacking “conservative school boards” on Oct. 7 in The Denver Post?  The best place to start is with what she conveniently chose not to address.

In her tirade, she never once referred to the very reason these school boards exist – to deliver academic results. While she correctly states that one of the primary objectives of school boards is to “establish goals,” she, like all union-controlled school boards, avoids defining goals in measurable terms. That’s because, if goals were measurable, she and her colleagues could be held accountable for actual results.

The unions’ desire to hide from sunshine is quite understandable when, in union-controlled districts like Denver Public Schools, 60% of students cannot read or write at grade level and 70% of students cannot do math at grade level according to the 2023 Colorado Measures of Academic Success exams. In Adams 14, the numbers are even worse — 86% and 92%, respectively.

Where is the accountability? It seems to exist only in districts with boards she characterizes as “conservative.” One example is Colorado Springs School District 11, whose board and administration have already produced measurable student progress while moving the district in a new, positive direction — despite persistent union harassment. That she cited District 11 on her laundry list of school districts plagued by conservative ideologues is quite the irony.

Isn’t it also ironic that she chose to attack the Woodland Park Board of Education, which is focused on improving academic achievement, for adopting a social studies curriculum that celebrates American exceptionalism, while her union adopted a resolution explicitly condemning capitalism?

Isn’t it ironic that Baca-Oehlert claimed ideologues are “causing chaos where there used to be peace,” when in fact it’s her organization and its district affiliates organizing protests and antagonizing board members?

Baca-Oehlert failed to disclose that it was her organization, the Colorado Education Association, that funded the recall of Jefferson County School Board members, where the current Woodland Park superintendent formerly served. The CEA recently tried the same tactics in a failed effort in Woodland Park to overturn another board of education election. Fortunately for Woodland Park students and families, the effort failed.

Baca-Oehlert identified “four key elements” of successful schools: age-appropriate curriculum, school safety, mental health support, and educator shortages. Again, not one word, about academic performance.

Let’s take a moment to visit those “key elements.”

Using her words, “students should be inspired by age-appropriate curriculum,” yet her union opposes the removal of sexually explicit materials from middle school libraries. Lest anyone suggest “book burning,” newly elected “conservative” board members are talking about removing age-inappropriate materials from middle school libraries, not banning them in public libraries or for private consumption.

As to safety in schools, it is her union’s endorsed Denver Public School board member Auon’tai Anderson (previously known as Tay) who led the successful effort to remove School Resource Officers from DPS’s school buildings, surrendering students and staff to predictable violence.

As for educator shortages, teachers are dedicated professionals and should be treated as such. Successful teachers should be rewarded, while those who fail the kids should find another line of work. “Conservative” boards in both Woodland Park and Colorado Springs District 11 have implemented substantial wage increases for teachers and staff, while the “conservative” Dougco Board has initiated a bond issue on November’s ballot to do the same.

Let me conclude by agreeing with Baca Oehlert’s final sentence: “Make sure you know what your school board candidates stand for and vote for solutions, not strife.” Yes, please support board members who are loyal and committed to parents, students, and taxpayers, not to those carrying the mail for the teachers’ union that pays for their campaigns and then calls the tune to which they must dance.

Please demand that any school board candidates you consider supporting prioritize improved student achievement, and possess the confidence and courage to implement practices and policies that motivate and incentivize better results. Elected members of boards of education must represent the interests of students, parents, and taxpayers, not a labor union.

Steve Schuck is a civic and business leader recently inducted into the Colorado Business Hall of Fame. He lives in Colorado Springs.

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