Top 5 This Week

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Letters: Red Rocks patrons should have kept their own eye on a weather app

Red Rocks safety concerns

Re: “Hail-injured concertgoers criticize venue,” June 24 news story

All these concertgoers accusing Red Rocks managers of criminal negligence have access to the same technology to check weather forecasts, and it sits in the pocket of nearly every ticket holder — a weather app on their cell phone. Maybe they should take a minute away from their Instagram posting existence long enough to understand they are responsible for their own safety.

Tony Hillas, Arapahoe County

We have a new stage and screens at Red Rocks. We are getting luxury boxes.

Can we please get a roof over the top plaza at Red Rocks so there is a place to take cover?

Model it after the stage roof and add lightning rods. Since it’s between the rocks and way up at the top, it won’t destroy the view. It is time for safety improvements.

Tom Newsom, Loveland

Questioning Boebert’s priorities

Re: “Boebert moves to impeach Biden,” June 23 news story

Rep. Lauren Boebert seems to believe she was sent to Congress to engage in silliness and to get her name in the news. She spent the last week putting together a censure of Rep. Adam Schiff. And now she is pushing a bill to impeach President Biden.

You got to be kidding me. What, is she 10 years old? Nothing on inflation, Russia’s Ukraine invasion, China’s militarization, etc. Instead, she seems to be marching to Donald Trump’s rantings and vindictiveness.

As a Republican, I vote for people who have a desire and plan to make this country better — not those with an agenda to feed egos and self-importance, which is what Boebert and Trump are about.

Michael Scanlan, Arvada

Time for Americans to instill code of conduct on justices

Re: “Alito defends private jet travel,” June 22 news story

Regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on, the revelations about Supreme Court Justices Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Clarence Thomas accepting lavish trips from billionaires should concern us all. Does anyone really think these billionaires would associate with either of these people if not for their presence on our highest court? We should not believe for an instant that these free vacations don’t have any influence because, of course, they do.

Let me use a scenario that might make more sense for those who may be less politically inclined. Just imagine that we found out that NBA referees were receiving free trips from, let’s say, the owner of the Lakers. Would those of us in Nuggets Nation really believe that our hometown team would get favorable calls from those same refs when they play L.A.? When you take politics out of the equation, the answer is quite clear. Please join me in urging Congress to institute a code of conduct for the Supreme Court.

Glenn Most, Greenwood Village

Two members of the highest court in America cannot be trusted to exercise the ethical standards their positions require of them. A Supreme Court justice must be impartial and untouchable ethically, and in being so, sets the high bar of judgeship in our country. By their behaviors, Justice Alito and Justice Thomas have clearly compromised their positions on the Court.

When they curry favors and use the power of their judicial positions for personal benefit, they sully the entire legal profession. Americans should be outraged and should demand accountability from Alito and Thomas. If the other members of the Court are too timid to speak out and take action against their own, our government must enact ethical standards that these powerful positions are required to live up to.

Alvin C Vasicek, Mesa

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