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Letters: Polis was wrong to veto wolf reintroduction policies

Polis wrong to veto legislators’ attempt to tame wolf reintroduction

Re: “Polis vetoes bill that would have delayed wolf releases,” May 17 news story

Gov. Jared Polis’ veto of Senate Bill 23-256 is irresponsible. Polis says he respects Colorado wildlife and our state’s rural ranching and agriculture legacies, but with this veto he missed a key opportunity to demonstrate that support. Colorado legislators overwhelmingly approved the bill so the state could proceed responsibly with the challenging task of gray wolf reintegration.

In vetoing, Polis hid behind Colorado voters. Yes, in 2020 voters approved this reintegration, but it’s clear to me most Eastern Slope voters do not clearly understand what effect that decision will have on our state’s wildlife resources and our ranching communities. Obviously, legislators are informed, but Polis just sidestepped his chance to step up.

I grew up in Grand Junction and I embrace those ranching and agriculture cultures. At least monthly I visit my parents who were born there in the 1930s, but for 34 years I’ve lived in Denver. Consider releasing wolves on the 16th Street Mall, the Flatirons, or Cherry Creek State Park, and the conversation will be different.

Note that our Colorado Parks and Wildlife supports SB 256 and the 10(j) rule put in place by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It allows for lethal take of a defined species and our Colorado wildlife experts know it is a responsible way to manage this situation.

Gov. Polis: please reconsider your veto. Our treasured Colorado wildlife and our ranching communities are at risk. Just Google “wolf attacks Colorado” for recent doses of reality.

Leslie A. Young, Arvada

Why the silence on noise pollution?

Re: “Air pollution: State crafts justice policy,” May 18 news story

Reporter Noelle Phillips makes some important observations in Thursday’s article. What is most unnerving in these articles about air pollution in the metro area is the fact that another kind of pollution exists that tears at us in a different way — noise pollution caused by the cars and motorcycles that roar up and down our streets. Those of us who have PTSD are particularly impacted by these scofflaws. And make no mistake; this pollution is just as deadly to us all.

Some of those vehicles’ tailpipes sound like the doorway to hell opening up with decibel levels far above that of a chainsaw. It seems that there is no enforcement at all regarding this pollution. There should be a decibel check at the tailpipe just as there is a particulate check whenever vehicles are inspected at Clean Air Colorado inspection stations.

Inexpensive decibel meters should be carried in police cars to be used on the rare occasion that one of these cars is stopped for speeding by our seemingly ineffective traffic divisions. (Yep, believe it or not, we really do have noise ordinances.)

Why is this pollution so low on the priority list of our legislators and law enforcement agencies? Can’t we do something about this?

Jim Lynch, Northglenn

Debt ceiling: When will we learn?

Re: “How the president fumbled the ball with the debt ceiling GOP Blackmail,” May 17 commentary

“Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.” These are words of the great philosopher Steven Stills put to music by the Buffalo Springfield in the 1960s.

Our elected officials and their supporting media are obsessed with their “righteous” blaming the other party for everything wrong in America. The truth of the matter is the two political parties are fighting each other for control of America.

When will we learn that both parties are wrong in their conscious decisions and actions, keeping this uncivil war going and escalating? This uncivil war is killing America.

Enough! It is time for the two political parties to lay down their political weapons of mass destruction and work together for all Americans and our posterity. It is time for peace in our government and in America.

Daniel G. Zang, Lakewood

Supreme Court has lost our respect

I used to respect the Supreme Court. I don’t want a conservative Supreme Court. I don’t want a liberal Supreme Court. I want an objective Supreme Court that will decide what is Constitutional and what isn’t in accordance with just what the Constitution says, not how a political party interprets it. I think most Americans want this.

Among his failures, Donald Trump ruined the Court, saying ahead of time that he would only appoint justices that would overthrow Roe vs. Wade. Then he appointed three liars who said in their Senate hearings that Roe vs. Wade was established law. Then upon their appointment, the liars promptly overthrew it.

Now we have justices on the Supreme Court that can’t even be honest and tell the truth. It is not a good situation for America when citizens don’t respect the highest court in the land for what is right. Now we have justices who can’t even be honest.

James T. Watson, Highlands Ranch

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