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Letters: Shady, false smear-campaign benefits would-be Park Hill developers

Park Hill influence: Remembering lost lands and receiving anonymous mailers

Who doesn’t love a good smear campaign that would benefit a developer? When a mega profit (money, money, money) is at stake, people often take unusual, drastic — some might consider them as unethical — steps to buttress up public support.

So when I received in the mail not one, but two, large full-color mailers coinciding exactly with Denver City Council voting on all things related to the Park Hill golf course, well, let’s just say I wasn’t surprised. Disgusted, yes. But not surprised.

Disgusted, first, by the fact that there was no indication of who sent the mailers, which, of course, I think, seems to fit the modus operandi of developers perfectly. Disgusted, as well, that the mailers equate a for-profit development as the ultimate and seemingly the singular solution to the housing crisis. Smear campaign? Sure seems that way to me.

Richard E. Young, Denver

Re: “Park Hill Golf Course: Project headed back to voters,” Jan. 25 news story

Before a decision is made for the development of the former Park Hill Golf Course, I would like to encourage Denver voters to take a drive on Jewel Avenue between Sheridan and Wadsworth Boulevards where the grounds and all the majestic trees at the former Green Gables Country Club were plowed under and replaced by a massive housing project. Look for yourselves at what Denver’s last remaining open space could potentially become.

Nancy Rife, Wheat Ridge

“Denver Needs Affordable Housing,” says the flier. “Turn over to find out which council members are voting to make Denver more affordable.” And lo and behold, the anonymous dark money flier indicates that community activist, long-time affordable housing advocate and Swansea-Elyria resident Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is the problem. This is disinformation at its most ludicrous. CdeBaca’s actual, forthright, and passionate advocacy for affordable housing, the plight of the homeless, and the innovative programs she’s supported to address these problems – for real – are legendary. She is revered for her commitment to social justice.

At least four of these glossy, expensive fliers – all anonymous – have been mailed widely throughout the city. They all repeat the mantra of “affordable housing” as if Denverites will be hypnotized into voting for any project advertising its commitment to “affordable housing” whether the message is backed up by facts or real commitment or not.

Affordable housing is incredibly important – and preserving Denver’s last areas of open space is just as important. We can do both. CdeBaca is not afraid to step up and put her name and her reputation to the things she believes in. I will vote for her. I will put my name to it.

Georgia Garnsey, Denver

Glad to be ditching the light rail

In late February, I’ll be moving to an apartment only 6 miles from where I work. I had always used RTD light rail to get to work. Now, I can drive my 21-year-old car to work. More importantly, I don’t have to deal with the drug addicts plaguing light-rail rides, especially on the W Line.

Recently I’ve seen passengers taking matters into their own hands with the drug users. On a recent trip, one lit up and several passengers yelled at him. That was the end of it. Another time, a woman was stinking up the place during the evening rush hour. One man jumped up and yelled, “Get off the train! Now!” And she did.

On a morning ride home on the W line (5:44 a.m., the 73 train), this guy gets on and finds foil on the floor and starts in with drugs. He even pulled out a seat from its moorings! I called the transit police and moved to another car. I don’t know how it turned out.

I vote Democratic in every election, but I am with the Republicans — we need substantially longer sentences for possession, especially fentanyl.

As for the trains, my new schedule starts next month, but I’m driving. It’s not safe on the trains.

To be blunt, we need armed security on light rail. I know RTD doesn’t have enough security officers. Well, we need to find more armed security or passengers will continue to take matters into their own hands.

Mike Filion, Denver

No anonymity when trying to dictate in the public square

Re: “Should libraries protect those seeking to ban books?” Jan. 29 commentary

After reading Krista Kafer’s column on libraries, book banning, and identifying the requestor, I thought I might have to agree with her for the first time. After a second cup of coffee, I came to my senses.

If you want to go to the public square and try to change things for more people than yourself, you cannot put a bag over your head. Using Krista’s example, I see no shame in being one of the 83%ers when they suggest a book belongs in the adult section of the library and not the children’s section.

However, when they go to the public square and demand a book be banned, not only from my library, but all libraries in my city, county, state, etc., then they should be willing to be recognized, by name, at the grocery store or “Next Door” email. It’s one thing to suggest a different path than to demand the road be closed. Sorry, 83%ers, when one or more of the 17%ers want to put a bag over their head, you are collateral damage. Identity for one means identity for all. On the other
hand, if you’re ashamed enough to see a need to put a bag over your head, then stay out of the public square.

The snag is, thanks to some hate-filled, overly conservative, and overly religious individuals, the public square has become a somewhat dangerous place. And no, as Kafer so often states, this is not a both-sides-of-the-isle issue. Conservatives own library and school curriculum control issues; they need to be known, by all, for their activities.

Jim McClung, Lakewood

U.S. border more militarized than the DMZ? No

Re: “Border security won’t slow those seeking refuge in the U.S.,” Jan. 29 commentary

Professor Ved Nanda, in his Sunday column on border security, included an assessment by his colleague Assistant Professor Elizabeth Jordan, Director of DU’s Immigration Law and Policy Clinic. Professor Jordan stated that our southwestern border is “the most militarized border in the world.” Most militarized? Really? With unchecked crossers literally flowing in illegally by the millions according to Professor Nanda, it’s hard to imagine a more outlandishly absurd assessment.

For example, North Korea and South Korea, divided by the 1953 armistice ending the Korean War, remain separated and their common border sealed shut at the infamous 38th parallel and by the equally infamous demilitarized zone, or DMZ, a 2.4-mile wide “no man’s land” heavily guarded by each government.

Perhaps Professor Jordan would provide Denver Post readers with a summation of the North’s and South’s DMZ defenses, including the number of land mines, machine gun emplacements, tanks, artillery pieces, hundreds of miles of barbed wire, electronic surveillance equipment and 24/7/365 patrols by permanently stationed full-time combat troops. That data could then be compared with the alleged U.S. defensive presence along its southwestern border, with the results speaking for themselves. Professor Nanda would also be invited to comment.

Bud Markos, Grand Junction

Explore more on cinema’s negative impact on Native Americans

Re: “Killing for reel — Violence in Westerns has felt lighthearted and fun, perhaps Hollywood should reconsider,” Jan. 29 commentary

This was an excellent article about the killing of Halyna Hutchins and about the negative impact of Hollywood on Native Americans. This real and accurate discussion of how Native Americans have been treated and the impacts on them is long overdue. Please keep this discussion going.

Amy Niese, Highlands Ranch

Meaning of “woke” by Gov. DeSantis

Re: “Can Black History Month survive DeSantis’ “anti-woke” politics?” Jan. 29 commentary

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spoke about his state being where “woke” comes to die, he was not referring to teaching about slavery and Black history. He was talking about the misuse of teaching to create a feeling of racism by the instructors. This is not only in the teaching of Black history but also regarding the misuse of teaching about sexual orientation. I am quite surprised by the misinterpretation of this by Clarence Page, who is generally an excellent scholar.

William F. Hineser, Arvada

Give credit in headline to legislators who made it happen

Re: “Internet speeds hit new level,” Jan. 29 business story

Internet speeds hit new level should say, “Thanks to President Biden and The House Democrats during the pandemic passing The American Rescue Plan, internet speeds hit new level.” One of Douglass County’s planned communities will receive funding of $11 million set aside from The American Rescue Plan to improve fiber (optic) deployment, including a wider loop network reaching eastern portions of their county. When will our rural brethren thank our current administration for bettering their lives? Hey, Denver Post, the next headline ought to give credit where credit is due!

Rhonda S. Valdez, Lakewood

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