Top 5 This Week

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Letters: Denver voters send a clear message with “no” on Park Hill development

Voters made land-use opinions clear

Re: “Foes of Park Hill redevelopment declare victory,” April 5 news story

Denver voters did not buy into Mayor Michael Hancock’s hope to merge tall buildings into the Park Hill neighborhood’s landscape. Gov. Jared Polis’ “path forward” to reform land use throughout our state now knows public sentiment favors municipal voters deciding important land-use decisions.

The governor recently told us, “It’s clear that the actions of one jurisdiction impact others.” Denver voters just informed our state leadership and municipal government private developer coalition there is strong public sentiment to leave what is in place alone.

Forrest Monroe, Aurora

Beer sales need to keep pace with faster baseball games

Re: “You’ll never guess who has the cheapest beer in the Major Leagues,” March 30 online story

The bigger question is how concession stands can make any money with shorter games – considering the Rockies’ opening weekend games clocked in at 2 hours and 40 minutes and 2 hours and 3 minutes, respectively.

Hopefully ballparks can keep the lines moving or beef up service at the seats for thirsty fans who don’t want to miss precious game time.

Adam Silbert, New York

Remember who is footing the bills

Re: “State will advance $1.4M to cash-strapped hospital,” April 1

Please stop writing that any level of government pays for anything. Taxpayers foot all the bills for every level of government. Your headline would more accurately read, “Taxpayers will pay $1.4 million to cash-strapped hospital.” The Stylebook should make the change, so that regular people are reminded that all the money flowing out of any government entity is (or was once) theirs.

Whenever government spends more than our tax bill, they simply raise our taxes or the debt ceiling.

Donna Jorgenson Farrell, Broomfield

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