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New Denver Christian coffee shop protested against over anti-gay stance

Jamie Sanchez, owner of The Drip Café, said he opened the coffee shop in the Santa Fe Arts District for a purpose.

“Our parent company, Recycled God’s Love, has been helping the homeless since 2012,” said Sanchez, who formed the company with his late wife and his sister. “[The café] is part of our project to provide jobs and funding for the homeless community coming out of homelessness.”

Inside the cafe, Ephesians 4:32 is painted on the wall. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

“Our whole point is to love everybody,” said Sanchez.

On opening day, several protesters gathered outside. They claim the company’s views on the LGBTQ+ community sends the exact opposite message.

Read the full story at our partner, Denver7.

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