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Letters: Debate was a disaster for Biden and Trump is still unhinged. Now what, America?

Biden should step aside for another candidate who can defeat Trump

Last night I watched a debate between two men running for President of the United States; one came across as robust, eco-centric, and delusional; the other as old, befuddled, and confused. My takeaway is that one is off his rocker and the other is, sadly, in need of a rocker.

If these are our only choices in November, I can only say, “God help us all.”

Kathy Lutwack, Broomfield

During Watergate, once it became clear that Nixon was guilty and was headed for impeachment, a group of respected Republican leaders met with Nixon to tell him he had lost the confidence of the party and demanded his resignation for the good of the nation and party. While Joe Biden is a competent president and may or may not be for the next five years, it is now clear that he is no longer a competent candidate. We now need a “come to Nixon” intervention, for the good of the nation and party.

Steve Billig, Denver

President Biden’s debate performance was abysmal. From his tentative walk onto the stage to his stating he “beat Medicare,” and conflating Trump’s name with Putin’s, he demonstrated that he is not up to another four years.

This is very bad for the USA because of the Republican candidate. If Donald Trump says good morning, you’d better check your watch. He cheats at golf; he cheats on his wife; he contracts with workers and then doesn’t pay them. If he’s not lying, his lips aren’t moving. He mocks people with handicaps, lies about his support for the military, and says he can grab women by their genitals with no consequences. He needs to be challenged on his estrangement from the truth.

I believe that we have a new Joe here in Colorado who would be up to that task. His name is Congressman Joe Neguse. He’s voted with Joe Biden 100% of the time, is youthful, energetic, and brilliant. He would be able to send the con-man Trump back to Mar-a-Lago to peruse his top-secret stolen documents.

Philip Brien Clarke, Lone Tree

Dear President Biden,

You have done an excellent job as president and I have no doubt you place our nation and its people as your top priority in all that you do, and that you uphold the presidential oath every day.

There comes a time when all of us need to make tough decisions about ourselves as we get older. I decided to stop jogging due to my knee injury history. My Mom decided to stop driving when she realized she could be a danger behind the wheel. Paul Newman knew when he could no longer remember his lines or play a role to his personal standards, he retired from acting. Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Diane Feinstein are unfortunate examples of folks who put personal pride before national interest.

Just because we stop doing something does not mean we cannot channel the energy for that activity in some other way. I now power walk. My Mom gladly learned all the bus routes and engaged Meals on Wheels. Paul Newman put more effort and time into Newman’s Own.

Please step aside as the Democratic candidate for reelection. We need new energy in Jan 2025 for the toughest job on the planet. You have done your part with dignity and loyalty to this country. See the forest for the trees. The exact reason you feel you need to run again, to save our democracy from Donald Trump, is now the very reason you need to step aside.

You will be revered in history for such an unselfish act! Not only that, but you can channel your reelection energy into supporting and advocating for the best candidate the Democratic Party can nominate to win in November, knowing that starting in Jan 2025 you can start enjoying all that time spoiling your grandkids!

Best regards,

Gerard Witt, Commerce City

The Democrats keep saying how important this election is. That our democracy is at stake. If they really believe that they should have the courage to tell Joe Biden to step aside and run a viable candidate such as Amy Klobuchar or Gavin Newsome.

Linda Doran, Broomfield

Joe Biden has had a long and distinguished career as a public servant culminating in his election as president. He is in a unique position to help stop the rise of a dictatorial nation under Donald Trump. Until his recent extremely poor showing in the national debate, it was felt the race for president was close. Now it seems more likely that Trump will win.

A major reason is the showing of age decline by Biden. That is no crime and it eventually happens to all of us. However, as president that age issue has now taken center stage in the race to the great advantage of Trump. Biden can top off his great career with a dramatic act of selflessness if he drops out of the race and allows the Democrats to pick a new, younger, more aggressive ticket. Trump is vulnerable if the right team attacks him on his character, his plans, and his desire to be King. Biden can go down in history as the man who, admittedly not by choice, helped Trump or the man who gave up power to save his country.

Steven Spirn, Denver

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Originally Published: June 28, 2024 at 12:59 p.m.

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