Top 5 This Week

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Letters: Jenna Ellis’ indictment requires her to account for her actions

Finally, Jenna Ellis indicted too

Finally, after the Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel failed to do its duty and disbar Jenna Ellis for her blatant participation in the scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election, she is being required to account for her actions in the Georgia indictment, which accuses her of racketeering and asking a public official to violate their oath.

I will never forget her smug response to the slap on the wrist from the Colorado Attorney Discipline office, immediately crowing about how she kept her law license. Maybe now she will recognize that she isn’t above the law. And maybe the Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation has learned its lesson as well. They looked like patsies!

Carla LaRosa, Aurora

Special counsel pick questionable

Re: “Hunter Biden probe: Special counsel assigned,” Aug. 12 news story

OK, class, let’s review the material before we take the test: President Joe Biden’s son is offered what we all know was a “sweetheart deal” fashioned by David Weiss, for the crimes of income tax evasion and lying on an application to purchase a handgun. The deal included no jail time and all future immunity. The deal was tossed out and so now Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, was searching for someone, hopefully independent, to head up a special counsel to investigate the matter. And who does he pick? None other than the guy who put together the original sweetheart deal, David Weiss.

So, class, the question on the test will be, “Is this the government that you voted for?

Denny Cannon, Littleton

City council turnover is good

Re: “Councilmembers aren’t all sold on changing term limits,” Aug. 15 news story

Regarding support for two four-year terms for city council members and the mayor, I’m thinking we shouldn’t ask the ones who self-benefit from a third term. As wonderful as all city council members are, there are other fine residents ready to serve. Give someone else a chance.

Jeff Dorrell, Denver

A great way to volunteer

Thanks to The Denver Post for including some positive news amid multiple and overlapping crises that can overwhelm us all.

In the aftermath of COVID-19 when so many elders faced isolation and health issues, A Little Help, a Colorado-based nonprofit organization, is much needed. I am a CU faculty member who has taught generations of students about the concept of ubuntu — a South African term used by Desmond Tutu, which means “I am because you are” and encourages us to help each other and serve those in need.

Thank you to A Little Help for bringing the spirit of ubuntu to the U.S. at a historical moment when it is much needed. Your mission to help older adults with simple household tasks is a great contribution to the Denver and greater Colorado communities. If you are interested in pitching in as a volunteer, please visit their website at to learn more.

Laura M. DeLuca, Boulder

Caring and minimizing harm

The most important lesson I ever learned was that, among all the animals on earth, we humans are the most dangerous. No other species has contributed to global warming anywhere nearly as much as we have. Another huge problem is the growing threat of nuclear war. The atomic bombing of Japan had enormously horrible results, and hydrogen bombing would be much worse. Of course, there are also many other examples of both environmental destruction and violence among humans that must be minimized. Let us, please, focus on reducing harm and on caring.

John Russell, Boulder

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