Top 5 This Week

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Letters: Time to just leave the baker, Jack Phillips, alone

Once again, Colorado baker must defend his decision

Re: “Colorado baker loses appeal over transgender birthday cake,” Jan. 27  news story

While I don’t particularly agree with his viewpoints, I don’t understand why groups continue to harass this Masterpiece Cakeshop baker under the guise of “freedom of speech.”

To me, there is a difference between walking into a shop and being refused service because of a person’s particular orientation and asking that shop to design something specific related to that orientation. Other options are readily available by going to a shop that is very willing to work with that customer. I don’t believe anyone has the right to force people to produce something that takes special effort if they don’t want to unless an emergency is involved and no other immediate options are available.

Give this guy a break and stop trying to force change where it is not warranted!

Diane Silver, Broomfield

Pet restrictions in housing create hardships for humans and animals alike

Our animal shelters are filling up fast, and the lack of pet-friendly housing continues to be one of the reasons pets are surrendered. Many of these pets may not get back to their families, be adopted or find a foster family. Sadly, they will be euthanized due to a lack of available shelter space. That’s why the Colorado legislature needs to pass House Bill 1068, the Pet Animal Ownership in Housing Act!

This legislation would do several things to help Colorado pet owners find and keep housing. It prohibits the use of pet security deposits, which act as a barrier to getting housing with a pet, and result in animals being put in shelters. It would provide a damage mitigation fund for landlords who do need restitution after animal-caused damage so that good pet owners are not penalized in advance, but landlords get reimbursed if they need it.

The bill will also increase the supply of pet-friendly affordable housing developments, provide guidance on pets who are found after an eviction and prohibit insurance restrictions based on breed.

With housing costs being so high and animal shelters so crowded, we need to reduce the barriers to housing for people with pets. This bill will help to do that! Pets are a vital part of many families in Colorado; many of them shut down and do not thrive in shelter settings.

Please help Colorado pets and families and get the word out on the Pet Animal Ownership in Housing Act.

Elaine Tharpe Knox, Centennial

E-bike vouchers are not easy to snag online for everyone

On Tuesday, 860 e-bike rebate vouchers were gone in 20 minutes online. How about rethinking the method for getting these out to the public? There are many people that can’t sit at a computer to compete online to get their applications in for this opportunity. Others might not have the means to do this in the first place. How about considering a lottery that is more equitable for all? The next dates for more vouchers are all available. Let people prepare and enter their applications ahead of time to be randomly selected for those opportunities.

Although at 69, some would think I should be leaning towards an e-bike, I prefer to peddle with all my own power. Having done this for decades domestically and some internationally, there is just something about pushing myself for as long as I am able to do so. Maybe it’s slower, there is less climbing and the rides are shorter, but I’m happy doing things my way. Just give me a shout-out as you fly by on my left!

Ellen Schiff, Denver

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