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Mesa County Sheriff’s Office launches internal investigation into Central High incident

The Mesa County Sheriff’s Office has launched an internal investigation into an incident at Central High School earlier this week after videos circulating on social media showed two deputies putting a student in a headlock, tossing him onto a sidewalk and threatening to tase him.

“The Mesa County Sheriff’s Office is aware of the incident that transpired and the videos currently in circulation on social media,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a statement. “We take all issues involving any use of force very seriously. As a result, our Professional Standards Unit is currently engaged in a comprehensive internal investigation.”

The videos were first reported by local blog The Revolutionist.

The School Resource Unit responded to a verbal altercation involving a large number of students Wednesday in the parking lot of Central High School, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Video of the incident shows a deputy grabbing a student, putting him in a headlock and throwing him to the ground, as another deputy points and shakes a taser at him.

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