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Letters: What next for Fox News, Tucker Carlson? Same ol’, same ol’

What next for Fox News, Tucker Carlson?

Re: “Will settlement alter conservative media,” April 23 news story

The Dominion lawsuit against Fox News only cost Fox a little more than two weeks of annual profit. Fox has been making billions of dollars feeding “conservative” news to a gullible American public. Telling viewers bogus horror stories about the “left” and “big government” is a cash advertising cow they want to milk.

The suit payment will only be a small cost to the Fox business model. Let us note that true “patriots” can take news, good or bad, that ethical journalists report. Real patriots should reject the opinionated “conservative fantasy news” model.

Jeff Baysinger, Lakewood,

After settling the Dominion defamation lawsuit for $787.5 million, Fox News issued this statement: “This settlement reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards.” I guess they just can’t help themselves. Liars gonna lie.

JM Jesse, Glenwood Springs

Re: “Tucker Carlson out at Fox News,” April 25 news story

It is sad that Tucker Carlson is off Fox News. While not perfect (who is?), he was a rare intellect on air who delved into topics that most journalists didn’t have the bravery or the intelligence to broach. He was definitely a conservative but criticized both Republicans and Democrats whenever due. He was also a voice for truth and uncovered many lies swirling around Washington, hence hated by the left. He pulled back the curtain.

I’m sure the Dems are cheering Tucker’s departure.

I think he will emerge in some sort of internet show of his own design. He doesn’t need cable or lamestream news and he is too popular to fade away.

Kay Robbins, Denver

Area mayors appeal for clean air efforts

Re: “Four proposals aimed at reducing state’s ozone pollution problem,” April 20 news story, and “Oil and gas: Tougher plan for permits on deck,” April 12 news story

As mayors in cities around the metro Denver region, we see first-hand the impacts that ozone pollution has on our communities. From the negative effects on our children’s health to the disruptive nature of ever more frequent ozone alert days during the summer, we’ve been barreling down the wrong path and failing to enforce the policies that would help turn the ship around. Instead, we’ve put in place half-measures that equate to plugging a leak with a piece of chewing gum.

It’s time to stop new sources of ozone pollution from adding to the problem, which is why the newly introduced Protecting Communities from Air Pollution Act is such an important step forward. The bill aims to improve Colorado’s broken air quality permitting and enforcement processes that have worsened the state’s ozone crisis.

If adopted, the bill will strengthen Colorado’s permitting processes to better ensure compliance with federal air quality standards. It will improve the use of air quality analyses to assess the impacts of new pollution before issuing permits. The bill will require the oil and gas industry to clean up some of their dirtiest equipment on the Front Range. And the bill will add critical pollution measures to the state’s plan for ozone.

Our legislature and governor have the opportunity to show us that they are committed to our health and to the well-being of our communities.

John Beltrone, Edgewater mayor; Kyle Schlachter, Littleton mayor; and Laura Weinberg, Golden mayor

Disheartened by blocking of weapons ban

Re: “Assault weapons: Panel votes to end ban proposal,” April 21 news story

I am astonished, outraged, saddened and deeply discouraged by our political inability to ban the lethal poison of gun violence we perpetrate on ourselves. Military-style assault weapons — that we are literally killing ourselves with — have absolutely no place in our civil society. Why is our political descent into inaction on this so brazenly clear? Why, we all ask? What is it we fear? What is it our legislators fear… the NRA, the gun owner, the constituent who won’t vote for them? Really?

How does a gun culture, as we know it, contribute to a morally respectful, humane and courageous society? We are at risk every day of another mass shooting. We must stop this societal madness, and we can do it, if only we would take the political risk of doing the right thing.

Let’s be honest the Second Amendment is a historical artifact, contributing nothing but disaster and heartbreak at breakneck speed. I am not opposed to guns per se. I am more convinced than ever that gun ownership must be relegated to the province of “privilege” instead of the province of a “right,” as we have so brazenly ill-defined it in our defense of the Second Amendment.

No way is the task before us easy, but it would seem to me to be no other way:

1. Let’s ban assault weapons;

2. Let’s repeal the 2nd amendment

3. Let’s propose national and state legislation regulating gun ownership, manufacturing, sales, licensing, etc.

Our great country’s moral being is unsustainable without our political action now.

Dean Woodward, Denver

It makes me sick at heart and furious that no assault weapons ban was passed. Democratic Rep. Mike Weissman said that “lawmakers needed to reevaluate whether the costs associated with bringing and supporting an assault weapons ban still outweighed the benefits,” according to the story.

Whose benefit is he talking about? The gun manufacturers or the lives not lost because the crazy person didn’t use an assault weapon? Mental illness is a copout. To deal with that is a long, involved process. To ban assault weapons can be an immediate, if not perfect, solution. Save somebody’s life for God’s, children’s and people’s sakes!

Cathi Barnes, Littleton

Re: “Panel votes to end proposal”

Question: What day is sadder than April 20, 1999? Answer: April 20, 2023. The Colorado House Judiciary Committee has devastated residents, especially families who lost loved ones in the Columbine mass shooting. The committee should be ashamed and embarrassed. Ashamed that after 24 years, a much overdue proposal that families have been avidly fighting for has failed. They should be embarrassed that on the 24th anniversary of Columbine, they had the audacity to vote down a bill that would ban military-style automatic weapons.

Colorado missed an opportunity to do the right thing and join Washington and other states that have banned the AR-15 and the AK-47, which are rifles designed to mutilate and murder.

Marc Snyder has said he had concerns about a ban’s constitutionality. When will the Second Amendment stop being interpreted based on an amendment of the 1700s that was intended for a “well-regulated Militia” to “bear Arms” to protect the nation? This decision, handed down 24 years later, on the anniversary of Columbine, and after hundreds of additional mass shootings, strikes another assault that is beyond understanding.

Katherine Webster, Littleton

With the unregulated proliferation of firearms, America is now at the mercy of bullies.

Citizens now must think twice about whether they want to tell the person who just cut in line in front of them that the line is actually “back there.” Do we say anything to the driver who suddenly takes the parking space we have patiently waited for while someone else backs out? Or do we wonder if the offender may have a gun and decide using it is justified? When our child is being harassed by another child, do we go talk to the parents, or might someone in that family decide to settle things with one of their legally purchased firearms? What if our dog barks, our children’s tennis ball goes over the fence, or we don’t stand for the national anthem?

Soon, average law-abiding citizens may stop sitting on juries, or at least voting their conscience, fearing retribution from the defendant and their relatives.

So, basically, the person (and all their conspiracy theories, hate-driven motives and feelings of self-importance) with the gun holds the power. And half of our politicians think this is just fine. They seem to think this is what our forefathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution.

Don’t tell me this country isn’t broken. Hopefully, I don’t get shot for writing this!

Debbie Fleckenstine, Littleton

Repeal the Second? I don’t think so!

Recently in our local newspaper, letter writers have advocated the repeal of the Second Amendment and suggested creating a new Constitution. The framers of our Constitution were well-educated men who studied the downfalls of historic governments, and after months of argument and deliberation, they gave us a constitutional republic and a document that could be amended.

But theirs was not the last word. After agreement to add a Bill of Rights recognizing our inalienable rights, and vigorous citizen debate countrywide, the states finally ratified it.

The U.S. Constitution is a compact between the states to create a centralized government for limited purposes, constrained by the Constitution and overseen by the states.

The Constitution has not failed the people; the people have failed the Constitution. We, the “constrainers,” have let government grow beyond our ability to control. Our tax dollars provide largesse to politicians, cronies, and half the world. Our states must reassert their legal authority per the 10th Amendment.

We don’t need another Constitution. We certainly don’t need to change our government every 20 years. But we need to stand up and force the government to stick to the Constitution as written. And we need to better educate our kids.

Angie Many, Eckert

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