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Denver City Council District 4 candidate Q&A

Go to: Denver Post Voter GuideCandidate Q&A home page

Briefly describe the single most urgent issue facing the city of Denver and how it should be addressed.
Housing is an issue I hear about every day. I think the city should be taking a more active role in the development of housing — I am closely following Seattle’s ballot initiative I-135 to create a social housing authority, and would like to see Denver follow suit. We also need to be thoughtful about housing as more than just warehousing people — we should be building walkable, complete neighborhoods with access to open space and parks, schools and child care, quality food and clean natural resources.
What should Denver leaders do to address the city’s lack of affordable housing?
A mixed-income, social housing developer would provide a major tool to produce affordable housing for Denver’s workers. Such a program could work with other public entities, like RTD and Denver Public Schools, to convert empty parking lots or underutilized properties into workforce housing or community centers. We should also be looking at sustainable funding sources, including state-level opportunities like the program created by Initiative 123.
Do you support redevelopment at the Park Hill golf course property? Why or why not?
I do not support redevelopment at PHGC. I’ve been a consistent advocate for preserving Denver’s dwindling open spaces, from my opposition to the I-70 expansion to the successful Yes on Parks and Open Spaces Initiative. I believe the proposal before the voters is a poor use of this space and that if the voters agree with me and reject it at the ballot box, the city should use 2A funds to buy then convert the entire property into a public park.
What should Denver leaders do to revitalize downtown Denver?
There are many ideas the city should be considering, but I think connectivity is key. Denver should lean into the e-bike boom sweeping the city and build a network of safe bike infrastructure connecting the rest of the city to the downtown area.
What is Denver’s greatest public safety concern and what should be done about it?
Denver’s greatest public safety concern might be air quality. Although there are other issues — homelessness, gun violence, fentanyl, traffic violence — we are all affected by our negative air pollution.
Should neighborhoods help absorb population growth through permissive zoning, or do you favor protections for single-family neighborhoods?
I believe in promoting more gentle density across neighborhoods. Expanding the use of ADUs is a good step, as well as converting vacant land, buildings, and underutilized parking lots into affordable housing can help us adapt to our growing city. We need to be thoughtful about ensuring a broader variety of housing options, so that people of all different walks of life are able to choose what living situation is right for them.
Should the city’s policy of sweeping homeless encampments continue unchanged? Why or why not?
No, the policy should change. Sweeps haven’t been very effective over the last 10 years while homelessness has grown, and the city needs to be thoughtful and evidence-based about its investments to tackle homelessness. A housing-first approach provides a more permanent solution to homelessness, and we should be investing more resources into proven policies that work.
Should Denver change its snow plowing policy? Why or why not.
Yes. Everyone in the city felt the impacts of the (lack of) plowing these past few months. I don’t have a perfect answer, considering that increasing the plowing brings the risk of increased air pollutants, but not plowing is causing a range of injuries themselves. Still, Parks and Recreation does a solid job keeping their allocated pathways clear — and sidewalk clearing is too important to be left solely to property owners’ discretion.
What’s your vision for Denver in 20 years, and what would you do to help the city get there?
I want a fully decarbonized city, a wealth of housing options for all, strong economic prosperity that is shared with workers, 15-minute walkable neighborhoods where everyone can access their needs, with clean air and water and food for all. We get there through a democratic process that puts people’s interest first, through determination and willingness to work toward the common good.
How better can city officials protect Denver’s environment — air quality, water supply, ground contamination? And should the city take a more active role in transit?
Denver has a climate plan and a climate office, but the funding amounts are still too small to match the urgency of the moment. The city needs to ensure the office isn’t lacking for funding, and examine its authority to address pollution more directly. The city also needs to take a more active role in transit, especially in creating safer infrastructure to counter the increases in traffic collisions. Bikers and pedestrians are in serious danger, and the city needs to be more proactive in protecting them.

Briefly describe the single most urgent issue facing the city of Denver and how it should be addressed.
Housing is the most pressing issue facing Denver. When my husband and I first bought our house, we struggled greatly to afford it. However, the value of our home to my family’s stability has been incalculable, and it provided us the ability to raise my family in the community that raised me. My story shouldn’t be unique: every Denverite should enjoy the opportunity to access affordable housing, which improves healthcare, education, and generational wealth outcomes. My ability to work alongside people from varied perspectives will ensure that more southeast Denverites are able to remain in the city we all love.
What should Denver leaders do to address the city’s lack of affordable housing?
No one candidate will be able to solve our city’s housing crisis, and if any candidate says they alone can, perhaps they underestimate the magnitude of the issue. I don’t profess to have all the answers, but I know that the lack of housing is having deep impacts on the wellbeing of our seniors, youth, and families. I pledge to have an open door and listen to all stakeholders to create community benefits agreements that ensure the best uses for underutilized plots of land in southeast Denver – whether that be economic development, increased affordable housing, or city services for residents.
Do you support redevelopment at the Park Hill golf course property? Why or why not?
I encourage Denverites to vote “Yes” on 2O to transform a defunct golf course into Denver’s fourth-largest park (think one-and-a-half Bible Parks!) and utilize the remaining 55 acres to build hundreds of units of affordable housing. The Park Hill community engaged in a two-year public comment and planning process that resulted in a transformational community benefits agreement. I work with low-income Denver families and hear constantly about rising rents, increasing utility costs, and food insecurity. We can’t miss an opportunity to make it possible for renters, young people, and working families to continue to live and thrive in their community.
What should Denver leaders do to revitalize downtown Denver?
With vacant storefronts and office buildings on every block, downtown Denver is not the vibrant city center it could be. Unless we start more effectively utilizing this space, we will continually struggle with issues of homelessness, public safety, and transportation that are overwhelming downtown. In order to revitalize downtown, City Council, business leaders, and residents must work together. We need to support local businesses and renovate vacant office space to increase the availability of affordable housing as we bounce back from the pandemic. Downtown has the potential to once again be the hub that draws locals and visitors alike.
What is Denver’s greatest public safety concern and what should be done about it?
Housing, housing, housing. Stable housing has been proven to increase positive health outcomes, education attainment, and career development. We have a shortage in our supply of all housing, especially affordable and family units, which has a ripple effect on the stability of our neighborhoods throughout the city. Ensuring that our public servants, police, firefighters, teachers, and healthcare workers can live locally makes our communities stronger, safer, and more inclusive. This leads to safer neighborhoods that can address their challenges head on, being proactive rather than reactive.
Should neighborhoods help absorb population growth through permissive zoning, or do you favor protections for single-family neighborhoods?
As a lifelong southeast Denver resident, I believe we should protect and preserve single-family zoning, but where there is need in the community, particularly near commercial and transit lines, neighborhoods can help absorb population growth through permissive zoning. A great example is the infill development around southeast Denver’s light rail stations (Colorado, Yale, and Belleview). Above all, we must be intentional that we are not haphazardly building – we must build neighborhoods with a sense of community. I will listen to all voices: lifelong residents and newcomers, homeowners and renters, to make southeast Denver a place we can all call home.
Should the city’s policy of sweeping homeless encampments continue unchanged? Why or why not?
I support the camping ban, because leaving people to live outside is inhumane. Ultimately, we are dealing with people and their humanity. As a nonprofit leader, I have seen too many children and families who experience homelessness, and our current shelter system is overburdened and often is unable to meet the actual needs of unhoused Denverites – whether they have children, specific healthcare needs, or safety concerns. I support creating safe transitional spaces for unhoused folks that allow for coordinated substance abuse treatment, mental healthcare, and service provision. We need to make sure people are safe while addressing public health concerns.
Should Denver change its snow plowing policy? Why or why not.
We need to make sure our streets are safe and passable after snow storms. With the increase in heavy snow storms as a result of climate change, we need to respond quickly so that Denver public, delivery, emergency, and resident vehicles are able to have safe access to our streets. It is time to reassess the budget and address environmental impacts. The reality of the situation is that any increase in plowing will have its downfalls: particulate pollution, road erosion, or significant resource allocation. We must consider these consequences as we craft a more responsive snow plowing policy.
What’s your vision for Denver in 20 years, and what would you do to help the city get there?
In 20 years, I hope that the city I love, where I was born and raised, is thriving, safe, and vibrant – where people can put down their roots for generations. How do we get there? Our city has been operating in crisis mode, but I will work to strategically address our most challenging obstacles while maintaining the quality of life that makes us Denver: our parks, recreation, and small businesses. It is about all of us, neighborhood by neighborhood, continuing traditions that make our city special while being able to welcome new neighbors and in the process, create new traditions.
How better can city officials protect Denver’s environment — air quality, water supply, ground contamination? And should the city take a more active role in transit?
I have seen firsthand how Denver’s innovative Office of Climate, Action, Sustainability & Resiliency is changing how people think about moving throughout the city – my daughter is the proud owner of an e-bike, thanks to the CASR rebates, and can now take the Cherry Creek bike path downtown. I want to build upon CASR’s initial success and ensure that the principles of sustainability are integrated throughout all city agencies and departments. Also, I would support Denver taking a more active role in transit by partnering with RTD to buy service and increase frequency along routes where it is most needed.

Candidates are ordered alphabetically by last name.

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