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Daily horoscope for November 3, 2023

Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or making important decisions after 11 p.m. EDT today (8 p.m. PDT). The Moon is in Cancer.

Happy Birthday for Friday, Nov. 3, 2023:

You appear cool. You’re ambitious and hardworking. You plan for the distant future. Fortunately, this is a fun-loving, upbeat year for you, and you have a strong zest for life! This is good because it’s time to nurture the happiness and beauty that you have within yourself. Enjoy!


(March 21-April 19)
This is a delightful day; nevertheless, it’s a bit tricky, especially with financial decisions. Meanwhile, you feel idealistic and friendly to everyone, which makes you inclined to give away the farm or be overly generous. Don’t do anything you will later regret. Be sensible. Tonight: Patience.


(April 20-May 20)
This is a feel-good day! Expect warm relations with close friends, partners and spouses. Meanwhile you feel dreamy-eyed and imaginative today. Social outings will appeal to you, especially if they’re whimsical, romantic or unusual. Think carefully before making important decisions. Tonight: Be gentle.


(May 21-June 20)
Today the Moon is in your Money House. However, the Moon is also dancing with several other planets, which will encourage impulsive moves on your part. In addition to which, your idealism and compassion for those in need might make you act rashly. Give everything a sober second thought. Tonight: Self-discipline.


(June 21-July 22)
This is quite a lovely day for you! The Moon is in your sign dancing with Venus and Neptune. Admittedly, Uranus is in the picture, which will create sudden changes but possibly genius-like ideas. Conversations with others are warm and supportive. Travel for pleasure will delight you. Tonight: Lighten up.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
Your focus on home and family is strong now, especially because home repairs and busy tasks demand your attention. You might be tempted to buy beautiful things for your home today. Keep your receipts, because it’s easy to go overboard with something luxurious. Happiness is having alternatives. Tonight: Solitude.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
This is a fast-paced, busy day; however, you will enjoy schmoozing with friends and hanging out with groups or organizations. You’re full of big, idealistic ideas. You might meet someone unusual who makes you think about changing your goals. People find you charming today. Tonight: Cooperate.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You have moneymaking ideas today and you’re ready to spend money! This could be your response to meeting the expectations of someone important. Or it might be related to a secret love affair. Since some of your ideas are a bit dreamy and whimsical, take a moment to rethink things. Tonight: Show respect.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You might be excited about sudden travel plans, or perhaps sudden plans to take a course or study. Today is full of many possibilities. You’re thinking big; plus, someone has your back. That makes all the difference. Socialize with artistic people. Tonight: Think for yourself.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Behind-the-scenes negotiations will favor you today, which is why gifts, goodies and favors from others might suddenly come your way. People look upon you favorably, which is why this is also a good day to ask for permission or approval from someone in authority. “More porridge?” Tonight: Check your finances.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
This is a wonderful day to schmooze with friends, especially younger people. You’ll enjoy competitive sports and physical activities. Meanwhile, relations with a partner or a close friend will be affectionate and romantic today. A surprise invitation might come your way. Tonight: Be reasonable.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You look good to others today. Because of this, it’s an excellent day to make your pitch or do what you can to advance your agenda. It’s also a good day to explore getting a loan or mortgage. However, you might bite off more than you can chew. Be careful. Tonight: Work.


(Feb. 19-March 20)
This is a wonderful day to travel or make travel plans. You feel adventurous and you want life to be exciting! Fortunately, friends, partners and spouses are supportive. A surprise invitation to a social or sports event might occur. Act quickly, because this window of opportunity will be brief. Tonight: Socialize!


Vogue editor Anna Wintour (1949), actress Ever Anderson (2007), TV actor Dolph Lundgren (1957)

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