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Daily horoscope for May 2, 2023

Moon Alert: After 2:30 a.m. EDT today, there are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The Moon is in Libra.

Happy Birthday for Tuesday, May 2, 2023:

You are organized, direct and practical. You believe in working for results. You are perceptive and have an innate understanding about human nature. This is a year of change, which can be exciting. Expect to travel. Stay light on your feet so you can act quickly.


(March 21-April 19)
A discussion with a partner or close friend will be intense today; however, it also might be one of those discussions that clears the air. Naturally, they’re not easy, because it’s hard to keep your shirt on when you want to get something off your chest. Tonight: Tidy home.


(April 20-May 20)
You might encounter opposition or resistance from others at work if you try to introduce reforms or better ways of doing something. You have ideas, and you believe in them. (You might be just as earnest about an idea to improve your health.) Tonight: Get organized.


(May 21-June 20)
Parents might have heated discussions with their kids today. Remember what your original objective is and stick to it. Ask yourself if what you’re doing will help you achieve your objective. This approach can apply to a discussion with a romantic partner as well. Tonight: Play!


(June 21-July 22)
Family discussions might be uncomfortable. Someone (possibly you) has definite ideas about how to make improvements at home. They believe in their ideas. Naturally, there will be feelings of frustration if others don’t agree. It was ever thus. Tonight: Cocoon.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
This is a powerful day for those in sales, marketing, teaching, writing or acting. You will be convincing! The fact is, if you believe in your ideas, you will persuade others to agree with you. (This gives you the motive and the means, which is suspicious on crime TV shows.) Tonight: Conversations!


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You’re in a resourceful frame of mind today, which is why you might see new uses or applications for something that you already own. Or you might see a new way of doing something. Respect your ideas; they will save you money and time. Tonight: Ponder your values.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Today the Moon is in your sign, which happens for two and a half days every month. And when this occurs, it always heightens your emotions and feelings about everything. This is why discussions with others might become overheated or a bit zealous. Relax. Tonight: You win!


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Remember that you need more sleep this month because the Sun is opposite your sign. Many of you are also dealing with ex-partners and old friends back in your world, which can be challenging. Today it’s best to work alone or behind the scenes. Stay chill. Tonight: Solitude.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Be mellow and easygoing when talking to friends or members of groups today. A discussion might get out of hand. You might overreact. You are an idealist and can be passionate about your beliefs, especially with issues related to pets and animals. Tonight: Enjoy friends.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You might have a powerful exchange with an authority figure today — a parent, boss, teacher or a member of the police. One of you might have strong opinions and try to coerce others to agree. (It’s easy to find yourself doing this when you are convinced that you are right about something.) Tonight: You are noticed.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Discussions about controversial subjects will be intense today. You might want to convince others to your way of seeing things. These issues could relate to travel, legal matters, something to do with medicine or higher education. (Remember that one attracts more flies with honey than with vinegar.) Tonight: Explore!


(Feb. 19-March 20)
You want to clarify how shared property, inheritances or something that is jointly owned will be handled. Of course, you want to make sure you have your fair share. Perhaps you need to convince someone of this. Perhaps someone is trying to convince you otherwise. Stay tuned. Tonight: Check your finances.


Footballer David Beckham (1975), actor, wrestler Dwayne Johnson (1972), actress Christine Baranski (1952)

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