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Opinion: CU is hiring a conservative scholar. Here’s how to save it from the disaster that was John Eastman

The University of Colorado visiting scholar in conservative thought and policy is open for hire!

Want the job?  Apply here.

If the new selection isn’t right, this likely should be the last. Sure, for the most part they have been good and decent people, but have you heard of any of the first 10? It’s a trick question.

You’ve likely heard of the 9th person to hold the job as he, second to only one, played a lead role in potentially ruining the greatest experiment in self-rule in the history of the human race: The United States of America.

Guess that should be the first interview question: Are you willing to overthrow the United States Government stopping the peaceful transition of power for the 2nd time in our history? Is that too harsh of a question for an interview question?  How ‘bout: Do you believe in pluralism or is violence sometimes necessary to achieve your political goals?

Will let you be the judge on these and many other questions of whether this position is an asset or a liability to the University of Colorado, taxpayers and citizens of Colorado, higher education, the Rocky Mountain West, and America.

How ‘bout an easy interview question?: Do you believe our 9th visiting scholar in conservative thought and policy, John Eastman, represented the University of Colorado, the state of Colorado, and the longest-serving Constitutional Republic in the history of the world well or not? Please explain your answer in detail.

Enough about him. I don’t know the man, only judging him by his memos and speech. Please look at his first memo and second memo, and his speech on January 6th, but only after you read the U.S. Constitution, particularly Section II, and the 10th and 14th Amendments.

Then determine if you should apply. Pays $185,000 but you gotta have a Ph.D. I’m thinking of applying (almost entirely kidding). If you do apply, please don’t be the 11th and last. Colorado and America need you to succeed.

This is what we should be advocating for:

Conservatives believe in people. The world needs that more than ever right now from the shining beacon on the hill that can show the world that freedom works better than the nanny state and that capitalism is the key to a healthy economy.

See, conservatives believe in rugged individualism, personal responsibility, capitalism, the free market, freedom. Yep I know, many of you think these are code words for hatred – Which is a good sign you’re a better fit for the Visiting Scholar in Liberal Thought and Policy.

Conservatives love people. Will you stipulate to that? If not, you’re not eligible.

Conservatives support the individuals and families to live their lives how they wish. Conservatives believe in taxes and government at the lowest level practically possible.  Yep, that means the individual, then family, then neighborhood, then community, city, state, county, region, state, compact among states, national, then international treaties, then ONLY some limited means of Global cooperation.

Conservatives support the written Rule of Law and the Constitution. Don’t know what the law is and if you can do it or not, go and read it.  We don’t like made-up customary law or judge-made law or fluid feelings about the law. We like black letter law.  If you don’t like the law as written, change it.

Conservatives don’t believe in violence to achieve political ends. Period. It’s the reason we don’t like protests, boycotts, marches, threats, rock-throwing, riots, burning, and so on.  We believe in supporting the police and the military. Yep, seriously don’t mess with those that are called to serve.

Conservatives believe in less regulation at every level. Want to inspire people to positively contribute to themselves, their families, and the community? Encourage them with friendly and helpful policies, not taxes and regulations.

Conservatives believe in private property and the ability to live their life the way they wish to live. Seriously, leave us alone. It’s not your stuff. Stop trying to take it and tax it regulate it and judge it. Leave it and us alone.

Conservatives believe in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit  of happiness…” We believe these rights were enshrined in the Constitution and it’s Amendments.

At this point, some non-conservatives are boiling, and they want to write a letter to the editor and send me a nasty gram: Here is my e-mail and here is the link for a LTE.

But for others, seeing conservative principles spelled out might help us find common ground.

Please ponder this additional premise. It is now likely that there are more conservatives, and constitutionalists who are unaffiliated and independent voters than there are in the Republican Party in Colorado. In fact, the way trends are going, I predict there will be more Conservatives and Constitutionalists in the Democratic Party than the Republican Party.

Every label and policy has been changing before our eyes. Have you been paying attention?

It’s up to the new visiting scholar in conservative thought and policy to lead all of us in a conversation for the next year or two and beyond unless we wish to go the way of the dominant political structure throughout the history of the human race: The autocrat or dictatorship form of government, in whatever stripe we call it.

We need more patriots and organizers around a set of principals, platforms and ideas that create the most amount of opportunity for the most people.   Are you ready?

It is up to you as a citizen to engage in more meaningful ways. Our fellow citizens are counting on us.

John Brackney is a former elected official, Army Officer, lifelong Coloradan and business leader. He hosts a weekly discussion on contemporary public policy with U.S. History Professor Stephen Tootle on Facebook live and posted on Youtube and Spotify. Contact him at

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