We’re counting down the days until fall colors erupt all over Colorado, spreading majestically in their annual procession from north to south, and this year The Know wants your help so we can share in its glory together like never before.
Experts say this could be an exciting year for fall colors across Colorado, so we humbly ask: Send us your photos, please!
Last year the change began in northern Colorado the second week of September. After that we solicited photos from readers that we later featured online, in print and on social media. This year we want to get a head start on the show, sort of like a great warm-up act at Red Rocks. We’re asking that you send us your favorite leaf-peeping photos from last year while we wait for the first reports of mountainsides shimmering with yellow and gold this month.
Then, when the show gets going in a week or two, we’re asking that you send photos you take this year from hiking trails, roadsides and rivers. So please, as you explore, celebrating one of Colorado’s favorite outdoor rituals, keep us in mind!
Want some inspiration? Here are our favorites submitted by readers last year.
In order to use your photos, we need to know where and when they were taken (Colorado only, please). Submit your photos to tfries@denverpost.com. We can’t wait to see your shots, it’s supposed to be a great year!