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Osprey couple attempting to nest on construction crane in Silverthorne spurs action

By RYAN SPENCER, Summit Daily

For Summit County residents, ospreys flying in the vicinity of the Dillon Reservoir are a sure sign of spring.

After migrating south for the winter, the large hawks return every year to nest and breed near water bodies throughout Colorado. But this year, several Silverthorne residents became concerned when an osprey couple attempted to nest on a crane amid an ongoing construction project.

Sharie Sobke, the owner of Alpine Earth Gardens in Silverthorne, said she noticed the ospreys near the crane around the end of April or the beginning of May and has been watching them since.

“What bothered me was the other day — and they could have been doing it in conjunction with Colorado Parks and Wildlife — but they took the nest down and took it away,” Sobke said. “I’m worried there might have been eggs in there.”


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