Top 5 This Week

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Letters: Biden’s memory may be slipping but have you heard what Trump’s saying?

Biden’s age targeted, but not Trump’s?

Re: “Eight words, a verbal slip put focus on Biden’s age, again,” Feb. 10 news story

Let’s see, he walked gingerly down a ramp at West Point beside an escort. He mispronounces names and words; at times, he doesn’t even know where he is; sometimes, he is confused as to what president was in office and what World War was fought. He gives unsolicited medical advice that could actually kill people. He knows nothing about everything, yet he acts as though he does; fact-checking him is an ongoing process, as he lies and fabricates stories as part of his M.O. Shall I go on? You get the point!

You may be under the impression that I am writing about President Joe Biden, but you are so wrong… this is all about Trump!

The special counsel, Robert Hur, who investigated President Biden’s handling of classified documents, put forth his own subjective opinion when referring to the president. Robert Hur is in no way, shape or form qualified to make such an assessment. As far as I know, he is not a medical doctor or a psychologist.

President Biden and his administration have worked very hard to bring our country back from the disaster that was Trump; focused on our country and our people, we are witnessing the positive results of this effort.

Elise Rubin, Broomfield

Re: “Aides went from letting “Joe be Joe” to shielding president from slip-ups,” Feb. 11 news story

The article on President Joe Biden’s mental acuity in the Sunday paper is downright scary. The problem is, I’m not sure it’s as scary as Donald Trump. As a Reagan Republican, I don’t find that Trump has any connection to a true conservative agenda. He basically rants and raves without much thought of the consequences. Over the weekend he suggested he wouldn’t support some of our NATO allies if they were attacked. Wow, what a dangerous statement. He also restated he would end the war in Ukraine in one day. Everyone knows that this would be Trump selling out Ukraine and the thousands of people killed there since Vladimir Putin’s invasion.

Think about it: Trump and Putin working together. Wow, I have to wonder if Trump even has a moral compass.

Then there’s Biden; he has shown a marked decline in his mental faculties, and my guess is that it is just going to get worse. The question arises if his handlers could actually be running this country.

There is a way out: Biden retires, and the Democrats give us a true moderate nominee. For a moderate Democrat, I would crossover and vote for him/her, and so would a ton of other disillusioned Trumpers. I need to add here that the Republican establishment in Colorado needs to do the right thing and resign and give the reins to true conservatives, not Trump pretenders. They should accept the fact that they have mortally harmed the party with their stupid Trump support and, in some cases, their ambitions for jobs.

Michael Scanlan, Arvada

With special counsel Robert Hur’s release of his report citing President Joe Biden’s age-related infirmities as justification not to recommend prosecution for his retention of classified documents, Biden, like Hillary Clinton before him, has had his “Comey moment.” He may not recover from this setback.

The Democratic Party should immediately pivot toward contested primaries. At his advanced age, Biden may suffer a medical decline before the election. Voters may also fear that he may suffer a decline after the election, leading to an unpopular Kamala Harris’ ascendancy to the presidency.

Biden asserted in his campaign that he would be a “bridge” candidate, a transition president. He should honor this pledge. Biden, like many aging athletes, seems not to recognize when it is time to step out of the political arena so that he may be remembered for his many noteworthy accomplishments and not his decline. (Think: Ronald Reagan.)

Biden polls poorly against Donald Trump and Nikki Haley and could easily lose with another gaffe during debate or campaigning. Democrats need to focus on better exposing and grooming their bench of candidates to take over the reins of national leadership, starting with the 2024 presidential election.

Peter Wessel, Denver

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