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VA’s bad business practices: Veterans keep getting lost in the shuffle

VA business practices need thorough review

Re: “Eastern Colorado Health Care System:  VA told veterans’ needs neglected,” Nov. 12 news story

The situation described in the article seems to be a situation that goes through a cycle: a decline in the quality of services followed by an overhaul of the system, then a rise in the quality of services. A few years later, the cycle repeats. Why?

Is there something in the business practices and policies that influences this pattern? If such conditions are left as they are, the cycle will repeat. What would make leaders resort to the alleged behaviors described? There is the stated mission, but there must also be other motivations that would drive people to behave otherwise, like power, salary, incentive, and bonus structures, to name a few.

Are there decisions that can be made that are argued to be for the company’s benefit that are really more of a benefit to the employee at the expense of the company and the people it serves? Maybe it is time for a thorough review of practices and changes to policies to align with the mission.

Arthur David Hubbard, Dacono

We must protect all children from the hate in this world

I am a grandpa. I have just returned from a visit with my granddaughters (two early teenagers and one middle teenager) in northern Ohio. During my time there, I went to movies, played cards and games, took beautiful fall walks, listened to them practice on their instruments, and shared meals and discussions of their plans and dreams.

It was a wonderful visit with outstanding young people, but on the flight home, my stomach was churning with worry, and it hasn’t stopped since. You see, I happen to be Catholic, but they happen to be Jewish. I can’t even begin to comprehend how a large chunk of the world would like for them to be dead and gone from the planet, and a small segment would love to brutally and savagely abuse, humiliate, and murder them — just because of their faith and culture.

How can I not be worried? What is going on in the minds of so many humans these days? This is wrong on every level possible. Every level, and it would be just as wrong if my granddaughters were Palestinian. I don’t want my granddaughters or anyone’s granddaughters/grandsons to have to endure this type of evil prejudice.

We’ve got to stop this incredible and incomprehensible hatred that permeates the world today. Whether it’s directed at Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanic migrants, Indigenous peoples, LGBTQ+ or the myriad of hated minorities. It’s got to stop! Now! Please, please, grandparents and parents of the world, do all you can to see all people as someone’s beloved grandchildren or children and let’s turn this tide of evil. Please!

Joe J. Sindelar, Aurora

Plastic is polluting our recycling efforts

Why recycle when there is so much land east of the metro area for landfills?

If folks really and truly want to recycle, America needs to go back to all glass and aluminum containers instead of plastic; otherwise, forget about it!

Tom Schnickel, Littleton

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