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These new Colorado laws, from towing protections to tax-free tampons and diapers, just went into effect

No sales tax on menstrual products, new protections from towing and more laws are now in effect in Colorado.

Wednesday marked implementation day for dozens of new laws from the 2022 legislative session. Here’s a brief look at some of the most notable.

No sales taxes for menstrual products or diapers

HB22-1055 eliminates state sales taxes for diapers and products intended to help people manage their periods, such as tampons and menstrual pads. The state charges a 2.9% sales tax on most retail goods. While municipalities can also charge their own sales tax, Aurora and Denver have also exempted menstrual products and either have exempted diapers or soon will.

“Eliminating the sales and use tax on period products, diapers and incontinence products makes these essential products more accessible and saves Coloradans money when they need it the most,” state Rep. Leslie Herod, D-Denver, said in a statement. “Our law also paves the way towards destigmatizing hygiene products that millions of people rely on every day.”

A “towing bill of rights” takes hold

HB22-1314 requires towing companies to document the condition of a vehicle before it was towed; give written warnings before tows from residential complexes like apartments, condos or mobile home parks; and tow yards to return vehicles once the owner pays 15% of the owed fees, capped at $60.

Supporters dubbed it the towing bill of rights.

Car rental companies must offer equipment for people with disabilities

People with disabilities who want to rent a car have more options now under HB22-1253. The law requires companies to provide adaptive equipment options for their vehicles. Car rental companies need to make the options available for both in-person and online reservation.

Easier for parents to adopt their kids

Parents who conceive with assisted reproduction, such as invitro fertilization, can run into legal snags when trying to ensure the law recognizes their parentage. HB22-1153, dubbed Marlo’s Law after House Majority Leader Daneya Esgar’s daughter, aims to clear many of the hurdles and overall streamline the adoption process.

Retailers must accept cash

SB22-228 reinforces Colorado law that retailers accept cash payments for goods and services at at least one point of sale. Lawmakers wanted to ensure businesses could accommodate people without access to credit or debit cards.

Kids can play alone without it being neglect

HB22-1090 establishes that just because a child is playing or walking home from school alone, it doesn’t mean they’re being neglected.

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