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Letters: Littleton’s Measure 300 is about access to the ballot

Vote “yes” on Measure 300 to update the Littleton charter

Re: “Measure lowers the petition bar too far,” Feb. 23 editorial

Where is your journalistic integrity? Where’s your sense of fairness and desire to provide a complete story? If you bothered to talk to a sponsor of 300 you would have learned more than I can write about with a 250-word limit.

Littleton’s charter already requires 5% signature collection – that’s right 5%, but 5% at certain times and 15% and 10% at other times. The increase in the number of signatures was not matched by an increase in the number of days to collect signatures. State law requires 5%, and if 300 passes, the state law will become part of our charter.

Charter sections regarding initiatives and referendums were “less than artfully drafted, they were inconsistent and raised a lot of questions” said a former city attorney. Ballot Question 300 will replace the inconsistent sections with the Colorado municipal election laws making the requirements for petitions specific.

There are several cities/towns that have adopted the state municipal election law, and they do not experience a barrage of petition efforts. From the first day of circulation to the election could be 290 to 380 days. The likelihood of a special election every two months is fear-mongering and the opponents know it.

You have made this about development – it is about access to the petition process that is fair and in line with state law. You have done yourself and your readers a disservice by not understanding what 300 will do. Looks like special interests got to you too. Consider a redo!

Carol Brzeczek, Littleton

Don’t oppose housing through petitions

Kudos to the Denver Post for its insightful Feb. 23 editorial urging Littleton voters to vote “no” on Question 300.

It’s good to see The Post taking an interest in issues in the suburbs. As the affordable housing crisis continues across the metro area, citizens must reject efforts by anti-density, anti-affordable housing voices to dominate local government decision-making. Making it easier to force expensive special elections would do just that.

I’m willing to bet that most of us who are lucky enough to own a single-family home at one time or another lived in an apartment. We need to make similar affordable housing options available for people who like apartment living, as well as young people just leaving school, getting their first job, or getting married.

Susan Thornton, Littleton

Editor’s note: Thornton is the former Littleton mayor.

Political stunt by ex-president, Trump

Re: “Trump calls East Palestine train derailment response a ‘betrayal’,” Feb. 23 news story

So, in a political stunt, Donald Trump shows up at the East Palestine, Ohio, tank car derailment to tell them that he is there for them and to re-elect him so he and he alone can solve all their problems — blaming the Biden administration for what occurred to them.

Well, the ex-president is an ex-president for a reason; he and his administration are the ones that canceled the ECP braking requirements for hazardous railcar transport. So, if the citizens want an answer to why the Norfolk Southern train derailed in their backyard, they should look no further than the ex-president. His administration canceled all the safety regulations that could have reduced the derailment risk and derailment damage from this type of hazmat train.

Curtis Urban, Pueblo

The pronoun is not the problem

Re: “Suspect visited 6 times before — They had rainbow-colored gun target at home, court testimony reveals,” Feb. 23 news story

I’m guessing that the Thursday front page article concerning the murder suspect’s prior visits to the LGBTQ club will bring letters complaining about the use of the “they” pronoun in the story when referring to the suspect.

If so, there’s a much bigger problem out there — that a person thinks the biggest takeaway is the “wokeness” of The Post rather than the killings.

Don Haywood, Fort Collins

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