Top 5 This Week

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Letters: America’s poor choice … the lying racist or a man in mental decline

Trump/Biden rematch not good for U.S.

Biden and Trump are running for president — again? How about a bit of truth? The truth is that a majority of Americans do not want either Biden or Trump to run for president — and they certainly don’t want either one of them to have a second term.

These deeply flawed octogenarians have had their bite of the apple and it is time to move on. Trump, with his reckless lies, conspiracy theories, and white supremacy, is unacceptable to millions of voters. Biden, with his mental decline, identity politics, buying votes with “free stuff,” and visions of an ever-growing, all-powerful government, is equally unappealing.

If we, as a nation, can’t do better than a Trump/Biden rematch, we are indeed a nation in decline.

Richard Stacy, Highlands Ranch

It took some time to find a single word that best explains why President Joe Biden is running for a second term. When I happened upon it and recalled its definition, I knew it was so apt. Hubris – applied to someone who demonstrates an excess of confidence in oneself.

A significant majority of American voters do not think he should run again, but that hasn’t caused him to miss a beat. He demonstrates the most common result of hubris, i.e., a lack of self-awareness. United States Senator, Vice President, President. Entering his ninth decade, it’s time to graciously step aside. Democrats need and deserve a wide-open race for the nomination. Unfortunately and sadly, the president has left Democrats to worry most about who his running mate will be.

Vic Reichman, Denver

Sleepy in Denver

I’m unaware of all the politics behind the scenes with Stanley Kroenke, the altitude channel and the NBA. But who’s in charge of the start times of the Denver Nuggets and the Colorado Avalanche? I’m getting really tired of late games, especially on the weekends when lesser teams get prime time.

Leroy M. Martinez, Denver

Investment in IRS is good deal for Americans

Re: “The IRS is becoming a model of efficiency, really,” April 14 commentary

Max Stier of Bloomberg Opinion points out how the IRS, a perennially abused and underfunded agency, is turning the corner and (at last) improving its service to the taxpayers of this nation thanks to a multi-year funding stream enacted in the early part of the Biden administration.

Finally! The IRS was in such terrible shape that officials estimated that the federal government lost $1 trillion annually to tax cheats!

I don’t relish paying taxes; however, I realize that federal monies supply a myriad of services to all its citizens. If you don’t like where or how your income is going, the IRS should not be made the whipping boy of your displeasure. The tax laws of the land, convoluted as they are, are the product of Congress. Republicans are now trying to roll back the IRS’s get-well budget stream. They equate everything that we find wrong with the federal government to the IRS. Rubbish!

Keeping the IRS weak will be at the expense of the average American. Tax cheats, the big-monied top 1% and corporate lobbies benefit from an inefficient and overwhelmed IRS. If you’re an average American taxpayer, I would venture that you submit your annual return and that’s that. Unless you’re trying some tax shenanigans, the near-mythical IRS auditor won’t be coming your way.

So let’s have a more efficient and helpful Internal Revenue Service. Hopefully, we’ll be surprised by the additional revenue collected from the tax dodgers and cheats.

Howard Herbst, Aurora

Students advocating for safety do public schools proud

Kudos to the students and adults who strongly advocated for gun safety action recently at the Colorado Capitol. I have one major takeaway from witnessing their resolve.

Our public schools are teaching responsible citizenship, fostering strong values and principles, shaping moral lives, and building quality characters. We should all be proud of the teachers, students, and parents of Denver East High School (as well as the many other area schools) who faced off with legislators.

As an educator for many years in the public sector, their activism reinforced the importance of quality public education.

As a teacher and administrator for many years in private schools, the activism of these public school participants confirms my belief that private schools do not have a corner on producing principled, value-minded, and moral individuals.

I agree with Thomas Jefferson that public education is necessary “for the diffusion of knowledge” … and that “no other sure foundation can be devised for the preservation of freedom, and happiness.”

Ron Fischer, Lakewood

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