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Mother moose found dead in Steamboat Springs, young calves brought to wildlife rehabilitation

On Thursday, Colorado Parks and Wildlife discovered a dead mother moose in the Brooklyn neighborhood on the east side of Steamboat Springs.

David Rehak Suma, CPW’s district wildlife manager, said the cause of death has not yet been determined. He took one of the moose’s lymph nodes out to send to a lab for chronic wasting disease testing and will continue doing tests on-site to determine the cause. Results from the lab may not come back for around 10 days.

“There are no obvious signs of trauma, so no obvious signs that it was hit by a car or killed by somebody,” Rehak Suma said. “How we found it does indicate it found a place to lay down before it died, so probably something internal, but no real clear idea other than that.”

The mother moose’s death leaves two young moose calves behind who were captured by CPW and currently are being cared for by a wildlife rehabilitator.

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